50 cc Fresh cream
175 cc Soymilk (or Milk)
6 g "INA-AGA"
27.5 g Sugar
1 teaspoon Matcha
1 tablespoon Hot water (about
175 °F)
1/2 tablespoon Matcha liqueur
1 Place hot water and some sugar in the matcha, then mix it thoroughly. (
If possible, use CHA-SEN for mixing)
2 Add matcha liqueur in this mixture.
3 Mix "INA-AGA" and sugar thoroughly.
4 Place fresh cream and soymilk in a pot, then heat up it to 105 °F.
5 Add mixture ("INA-AGA" and sugar) in this pot little by little. Then mix it.
6 Heat up it to 145 °F, then stop heating up. Place mixture (matcha and matcha liqueur) in it and mix them carefully.
7 Filter out them, and put in cups.
8 Leave the cups until mixture becomes room temperature. Then, Place in fridge .
1 teaspoon Matcha
1 teaspoon Sugar
1 tablespoon Water
180 cc Soymilk (for HOT latte)
150 cc Soymilk (for COLD latte)
4~5 blocks of Ice (for COLD latte)
1 Place Matcha and Sugar in water, then mix it thoroughly. (If possible, use CHA-SEN for mixing)
2 Put soymilk in mug. Heat it up for 2 minutes and 30 seconds in 500w with a microwave.(If you'd like to use a pot, heat it up until it'll be about 160 °F from 150 °F )
3 Add 120 cc hot Soymilk in mixture, then mix it thoroughly.
3 Filter out it, and put in a glass heated up beforehand .
4 Soymilk of remaining 50 cc is put in a creamer. As a smooth bubble is made, it's put in a glass.
1 Place Matcha and Sugar in water, then mix it thoroughly. (If possible, use CHA-SEN for mixing)
2 Add 100 cc Soymilk in this mixture, then mix it thoroughly.
3 Filter out it, and put in a glass with ice blocks.
4 Soymilk of remaining 50 cc is put in a creamer. As a smooth bubble is made, it's put in a glass.